| 21.04.2019
Hello, yavuzbardak.com
I invite you to partner with us and benefit in our new Loan and Project funding program. We offer flexible loans and funding only as debt financing for various projects bypassing the usual rigorous and formal loan procedures. This Funding program allows a client to enjoy low interest payback for as low as 4% per annum for a period of 8-10 years. We approve a loan/funding depending on the nature of your business. we have a broad array of financial products and business loans to meet your capital and financing needs.
We are basically seeking expansion strategy through diversified strategic decisions. We have a broad view on investment banking from expertise of our team. We identify entrepreneurial skills, strong partnership, leadership experience and possible investments all in the vain to increase our overall portfolio. We would like to review your business summary or presentation to understand your project.
Based on the above information, we shall be glad to receive your Project Plan/Executive Summary in a compatible format (PDF -recommended) for our review. Reply if interested and have viable business proposal to present. Forward it to my provided email address below.
Salman Khalifa
Email: k89788355@gmail.com
Birol BAYKUS | 16.05.2019
2009 yilinda zihinsel engelli ve seker hastasi olan agabeyimin katarakt ameliyati icin muracaat ettigimiz 4-5 doktor da riskli diyerek yapmak istemedi. O donem Isparta S. Demirel Universitesinde gorevli Yavuz Hocamiz engelli agabeyimin ameliyatini yapti ve halen mukemmel goruyor. Allah razi olsun kendisinden